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Increase control over your business by making data more meaningful.


Our outsourced CFO/FD services can propel an important role in problem solving, goal setting and strategy development.


Our services are an effective way to bring more skill, experience, and solutions to your business at a fraction of the cost of a full-time person.

Clients we've helped.

We believe every client is a valuable long-term partner.

The Value You'll Get

Turnaround & Restructuring.

We focus on helping businesses that have good cashflows but are struggling to translate that into profitability, do so. We also help businesses on the brink of bankruptcy improve their financial and operational performance. 

  • Our turnaround and restructuring philosophy are based on three pillars:

    • STOP THE BLEEDING – which means ensuring cashflows are being accurately tracked and that the costliest element leading to a loss in margin is addressed.

    • DRESS THE WOUND – put controls in place that stop cash flow from depleting rapidly.

    • PLACE A BANDAGE – Structure mid to long-term planning and structures that set the business on a path to greater sustainability.


    Optimum Working Capital

    • Improve the business’s liquidity and clear up arrangements with suppliers and lenders alike. Whether your business has outstanding tax obligations or other institutional commitments. We help you keep the lights on.

    De-risk Business Units

    • Quantify the organization’s risk exposure and systematically reduce low-return operation in the business to an acceptable level.

    Financial Structure Clarity

    • Have definitive governing principles and standard operating procedures that ensure everyone in the organization is clear on good financial behavior and can be held to account.

Asset Optimisation & Performance.

We help organizations improve the usage and value of their assets by outlining the impact an asset has on the bottom line. We assess inventory holding and cash conversion. We analyze seasonality and improve leveraging by trends.

  • Our asset optimization & performance philosophy is based on two pillars:

    • Lean Operation – we systematically weigh the buying decisions and asset acquisition in accordance with market conditions. To get the best possible balance between seizing the market opportunity for profit and having the available capacity to service the market.

    • Asset Utilization – focusing on performance vs the potential of each asset (e.g a vehicle) and looking at all the related costs to return ratios to determine disposal or further maintenance model.


    Understanding Asset Utilization

    • Know how the assets in the business are performing and where to divest or invest.

    Asset Acquisition Planning

    • Plan for asset replacement, sales or exchanges and replenishing the supply.

    Purchase Insights

    • Understand the best way to leverage tax and incentives to your benefit in purchase decisions and behavior.

Asset Optimisation & Performance.

We help organizations improve the usage and value of their assets by outlining the impact an asset has on the bottom line. We assess inventory holding and cash conversion. We analyze seasonality and improve leveraging by trends.

  • Our asset optimization & performance philosophy is based on two pillars:

    • Lean Operation – we systematically weigh the buying decisions and asset acquisition in accordance with market conditions. To get the best possible balance between seizing the market opportunity for profit and having the available capacity to service the market.

    • Asset Utilization – focusing on performance vs the potential of each asset (e.g a vehicle) and looking at all the related costs to return ratios to determine disposal or further maintenance model.


    Understanding Asset Utilization

    • Know how the assets in the business are performing and where to divest or invest.

    Asset Acquisition Planning

    • Plan for asset replacement, sales or exchanges and replenishing the supply.

    Purchase Insights

    • Understand the best way to leverage tax and incentives to your benefit in purchase decisions and behavior.

Turnaround & Restructuring.

We focus on helping businesses that have good cashflows but are struggling to translate that into profitability, do so. We also help businesses on the brink of bankruptcy improve their financial and operational performance. 

  • Our turnaround and restructuring philosophy are based on three pillars:

    • STOP THE BLEEDING – which means ensuring cashflows are being accurately tracked and that the costliest element leading to a loss in margin is addressed.

    • DRESS THE WOUND – put controls in place that stop cash flow from depleting rapidly.

    • PLACE A BANDAGE – Structure mid to long-term planning and structures that set the business on a path to greater sustainability.


    Optimum Working Capital

    • Improve the business’s liquidity and clear up arrangements with suppliers and lenders alike. Whether your business has outstanding tax obligations or other institutional commitments. We help you keep the lights on.

    De-risk Business Units

    • Quantify the organization’s risk exposure and systematically reduce low-return operation in the business to an acceptable level.

    Financial Structure Clarity

    • Have definitive governing principles and standard operating procedures that ensure everyone in the organization is clear on good financial behavior and can be held to account.

The Value You'll Get

The Value You'll Get

Working Capital Management.

We improve business efficiency by optimizing operations and resource acquisition. Our Working Capital Management ensures optimal income flow use and deliberate obligation management.

  • Our Working Capital Management philosophy is based on two pillars:

    • Cash Conversion – which means assessing and improving the liquidity of assets within the business, especially inventory, and giving an accurate picture of cash strapping activities.

    • Operating Soundness – ensuring a high level of customer delivery and internal capacity to fulfil demand. While negotiating favorable terms for the organization with suppliers and debtors.


    Improve Customer Satisfaction

    • A good customer experience will always remain a competitive advantage no matter the industry. Having a great Working Capital structure allows you to do more to improve that outcome.

    No Bread-and-Butter Strain

    The organization can deal with larger accounts because they can meet their short-term obligations comfortably allowing for a larger organization to pay you back later for the most lucrative deal types


This service prepares organizations for funding by assessing and forecasting funding gaps, identifying viable finance sources, and steering financial strategy to increase funding success.

  • Our Funding Preparation philosophy is based on two pillars:

    • Deliberate Accounting – using the organizations’ books to purposefully drive the narrative of the organization and not simply reflect its reality as incidental.

    • Roadmap – help the organization put its best foot forward to be able to attract various funding streams.


    Understand Funding Systems

    • Actively pursue the ability to hand-pick funders by not just knowing what they want but being able to provide it

    Have a plan  

    Work towards getting what you are going to need long before you have it. 

Elevate your business with our expert advise.

Leverage our professional guidance to optimize your operations, enhance performance, and achieve lasting success. Our tailored strategies will help your business thrive in a competitive market.


Using finance as a catalyst for growth.

Copyright © 2024 GrowthVista

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